RECORDING TIME!So, it's finally upon us! Our first studio session this Sunday. We've Geraint 'Ninja' Jones setting up his magic in the HQ, Llanrwst town and mic'ing up everything that makes a noise. Our aim is to have a live EP under our belts real soon. We'll release this to world on Spotify and probably give you dear friends a few sneaky peaks. Who knows, there could be a vinyl option we'll see how it goes. Some of you know the saga but this...


Mark has always had an aspiration to learn slap double bass. So here in his own words is the story to date: FINDING A BASS. Finally, I bit the bullet and bought a cheap new double bass. For months I'd searched the internet looking for a good secondhand bass. The theory behind that is it's possible to find one ready to play. A bass that is set up and ready to go, possibly with slap strings and a pick up. Alas this was not to be. Living rurally...


Playing sessions at BBC Maida Vale.

 In a former band, in a former life Rich visited these hallowed studios on several occasions. Now playing with Man At Q And M we thought it would be too good an opportunity to pass up on his experiences regardless of who he was plucking for! So, here's the article in Rich's own tongue: A BIT OF BACKGROUND HISTORY. Maida Vale studios on Delaware Road in West London is a complex of seven BBC sound...


MARK’S GRETSCH UPGRADESI own 3 beautiful Gretsch guitars. Everyone has had a modification to upgrade the sound they kick out. I thought it might be of interest to take you through what I've done. Let me start by saying all guitars are strung with 9's, always have been and never been a problem whatsoever going so light. The only exception at the moment is the Streamliner that currently has very thick flat-wounds on it for a couple of slide...


OLLY BITES THE BULLET!Many musicians take pride in their image and sense of style. The look of their instrument is one of the most crucial components of that image. For drummers, a custom bass drum logo is one very stylish way they can show off their personality. Plus, it can create a powerful image for the world to see. After all, a bass drum skin is one great big advertisement for the band. Olly has taken the decision to invest in a custom...


MY SLAP VISION!I've always wanted a double bass! Always had visions of playing rockabilly slap triplets. They look and sound amazing. But in reality, I'm sure they're quite a beast to learn. But... hang on they are at the end of the day a four-string bass instrument. It can't be that hard, can it? This project is nothing to do with the band or its function. Purely a side hobby to keep me from roaming the streets and pubs. A new skill to acquire,...


THAT BASS GUITAR. Melys asked if I wanted to play bass guitar for them in early 1998. Carys had been playing keyboards but she was going off to be a Doctor (I guess she got to play with different organs)! The record deal the band had was defunct, so it was time to go about doing things on our own - a real DIY Indie affair.
 DOING THE DEAL. I had bought a few guitars and amplifiers of various types but up until then they had all had 6...


MY FIRST SECONDHAND KIT. Having now acquired a bashed up 2nd hand but workable classic cream Premier Olympic drum kit for the grand sum for £25. I then had to work out what to do and not annoy the neighbours too much! A bit difficult if you play drums as electronic kits weren’t yet invented, unless you count Kraftwerk’s synth created sound. YELLOW PAGES & MR POTTER. The music of the late 70’s played a massive part on the style of...


 HOME TOWN GIG.Last week saw us return for a home town gig in Llanrwst at Clwb Llanrwst Club. Monthly organiser Mick kindly asked us to play a 'featured artist' set. This was particularly handy and poignant for us as a band for two reasons. It allowed us to air a set of predominantly new material to a live crowd and also allowed our new bassist Rich to a debut gig in friendly surroundings. Indeed, as a full band we had only had the opportunity...